Mathematics in the Modern World

Applying Polya's Four-Step Process in Solving a Problem to a Life Decision


I will be going on a week-long trip beginning tomorrow and staying at a location with no wi-fi. The problem is that I have 2 tasks due on March 27, in the middle of the trip, and I will have no way to get a connection on that day.

Understand the Problem

I need to be able to submit my tasks before the deadline on March 27, and work with the limited time frame I have, as I am on a trip with my family.

Devise a Plan

I need to find a time in which there is enough downtime where I can complete my task to upload it when we go out and find a connection.

Carry Out the Plan

Before boarding, I will download all the resources I need (websites, documents, modules, etc.) in advance, and synthesize the data. Once we arrive (There is sure to be free connection. I have been there— though I apologize if I do not want to mention where for my own privacy), I will simply upload them as soon as possible. I will complete the more difficult task first while on board, as it requires more attention (infographic making). The reflection task, I may do even during the trip, so long as I catch the opportunity (such as being in transit, at the accommodation).

Look Back

Looking back on it, I believe that my course of action in this situation is really the only way I will be able to handle this problem. This is because my parents are quite insistent on things, and will not allow me to sit activities out. If we are speaking of the situation though, it would have been best if I just did my tasks while at home (though I was prioritizing studying for a subject I am failing at).

Reflection Questions

In what ways did Polya's method for solving the problem differ from how you typically handle the problems such as the one you chose for this activity?

Typically, I do not think about or plan ahead to solve problems- so this is very different to begin with. I typically let problems fester until the last minute then get frustrated at the mess I've made. For example, had I not thought about it, I would've let it stay unfinished until the 25th then attempt to cram it on 26's night.

In what ways was it similar or different?

In this case, it's very similar since I'm still cramming the task as I already let the situation get out of hand. It is different in the sense that I attempted to split up the work and do it in short sections, rather than brute force like I usually do.

Which of Polya's four steps do you think you are least likely to do when handling problems in your life? Why do you say so?

I am the least likely to actually Carry Out the Plan, as I often have struggles with procrastination. I often think that I want to start on my tasks, but am often unable to act on it. This is not because of laziness, I do not enjoy putting off my tasks. I unfortunately tend to spend this time doing nothing but begging myself to start work but too exhausted or scared to even begin. This is however, alleviated when there are people around me to hold me accountable (such as on this trip).

What do you think would be the effect of consciously trying to implement this least-used step in handling problems?

If I attempt to consciously try to implement this plan, I do not think it will make any difference if I attempt to do it without some sort of catalyst such as an audience of sorts. Thus, should I include my own interventions as part of implementing the part of the plans (like telling my friends and family), I believe that I will finally begin to see success and save myself from cramming and headaches.