Module F

My activities/habits that negatively or positively affect the environment

Everyone affects the environment, whether they like it or not. I am no different. I am aware of some things I do that affect the environment negatively, such as using the air conditioning even when it is not a hot night, sometimes forgetting to shut off electronics, etc. But I also try my best to reduce my impact where I can, by reusing plastics when possible, fostering a small garden, and staying up to date on current environmental issues (which I then share to my friends).

How can I help saving Mother Earth?

First of all, I can help by doing what little I can, such as the methods I mentioned above. But I believe (and act on it) that it is incredibly important to get the word out as well, and encourage others, assuring them that their acts have impacts as well. I know a lot of people are disheartened that their individual works seem so small, but it is no reason to lose hope and give up. Many people think the same way, so if many people shifted to act today, all our little works would compound and create real and tangible results.

In what way may technology be used in saving and protecting the environment?

While the advancement of technology has its fair share of harm inflicted to the environment, what with all the mining for resources... It is not without its uses. For one, technology can be used to follow the latest news on what is happening in the world and the environment. With this, it is possible to respond accordingly to whatever may occur. It can also be used to share your works and practices with others. I do not mean this in a way to gain clout and traction, but as a way for people to be inspired and encouraged. A single post can jump start countless people, give them a point to start from. Environmental recovery is a long-term goal, and the upkeep of morale is important for such causes.